Yesterday, the nurse manager at my pediatrician's office came out to the waiting room to coo at someone's baby and took several minutes to recognize me. I only had one baby with me, see, and besides, that she claims not to have recognized me since I apparently am continuing to lose weight (I'm not still losing much weight, but I think it continues to re-distribute). Those of you who have met me in person know that I'm anything but slender, but if you knew me pre-triplets, you know that I *have* lost a great deal of weight. I'm down about 70 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight, but before you get all impressed, I still have 30 or 40 pounds to lose before I'm anywhere near my "ideal" weight.
Still, it felt great yesterday to hear the nurse say, "Oh my goodness, I didn't even recognize you, skinny mama!" and then she turned to one of the other mothers in the waiting room and told her I was a new mother to triplets and the mother looked at me and said, "You look AMAZING!" In fact, every time someone in my doctor's waiting room finds out I'm a mother to triplet infants, they tell me how fantastic I look. This must be why I love my pediatrician so much!
And then when I left the office, I ran into a member of my synagogue whom I haven't seen since I was on bed rest, when she paid a shiva visit to my husband last summer. And she couldn't get over how I looked. "You look incredible!" she said.
Gosh. Thanks!
I know I still have a really long way to go before I'm anywhere near where I'd like to be... but gosh... it's so nice that people notice that there's been SOME change. And it's nice that perfect strangers feel compelled to tell me I look great when they hear that I've got triplets. I've been feeling a bit blue the past couple weeks, but these little ego boosts are really kind of helping. So... wow!
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