I'm under the wire with a deadline, so no time for much elaboration... but the Nuchal Translucency measurements were perfect. All three hovered at exactly the middle of the range of normal. They are all growing appropriately. Baby C is still the smallest, but is still growing at the same rate, so might just be genetically predisposed to being short (like me!). Baby A still has a placenta previa, the little troublemaker. Baby C didn't entirely want to cooperate. Those two are definitely related to their father, the difficult little monsters. Baby B was perfect and showed off and got right into position to get a clear NT measurement, gave a little wave, totally cooperated. Obviously, Baby B takes after his mother.
Heartbeats were all great: 151, 157, and 161.
They measured between 12w6d and 13w1d. I'm currently 13w1d, so that's perfect. Baby C has consistently measured exactly 2 days behind the others, so it's all good. Since the NT measurements were all perfect and they're all growing, I opted against the CVS. The Dr. agreed that there weren't any major red-flags to make him think I should seriously consider the CVS.
I asked whether I was being a big baby about thinking I'm not going to make it to 20 weeks still working and the doctor (Dr. G.) said absolutely not. They prefer that in the absence of objective findings that force bedrest that patients lead the way on what activity level is safe. They would prefer that patients NOT try to "push through" the stress or pain or discomfort. So, if in a couple weeks I feel like I can't do it anymore, they'll do whatever they need to to get me set up with the forms I'll need to go on disability. He did get a little jumpy at the idea of me staying home with a 3 1/2 year old, but I explained that I'd given up on "actually parenting" my children, and that I'm allowing "someone else to raise my children" so he's in daycare full time, and we wouldn't pull him out if I were out on bedrest. He breathed a sigh of relief.
There's probably more, but I've got a deadline and a meeting soon. I hope you're all well!
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