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« Imelda Marcos Would Be Proud | Main | Gifts »

July 12, 2009


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I'm so glad to hear that you're finally hitting on something that works... I hope it continues!


I'm so glad that the SSRI seems to be helping. It's definitely helped my anxiety levels. :)


That's fantastic that J-Man is taking his meds now! And, oh yeah, that they work! Fantastic! =)

LOVE the photos of all the kids at the birthday party. They look bigger than when I saw them just a few months ago. They are such beautiful kids!!!

Also, regarding your last post... I once read a study that did say that parents who have gone through infertility tend to appreciate their kids more...

Hope to see you soon! Let's plan a date!


So glad you found a med that is helping. It's amazing what a difference it can make. Here's hoping it keeps on working its magic.


I really hope you guys can continue down this path. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys. :)

internal medicine emr

Wow, in terms of medicine, I must say - it is so nice to see something working for once. It makes it so much easier to want to get through each day. Really.


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