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August 12, 2008


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It's time to teach the "toilet rule"
If you have to throw up, use the toilet.
makes life SOOOO much happier for moms.
(my mom taught me around 3-4, so J is probably ready)


aw, poor J and poor you! ick. i'm not looking forward to those days...


He owes you hardcore. I'm glad he's back and the next few vomits are his problem :-)


Unlurking here to say, "oh, maaaannnnn...!" with a little whine in it - for you. Gosh, it can only get better, right? And then the payback will be bliss? :)

Ms. C

Totally. But save it up for a real good time, like when all 4 kiddies are barfing.

(Sorry, but I can't stop laughing at the image of a little boy slinking down the stairs and saying "Eema I barfed". I know- so not funny. But funny.)

My Reality

Oh yes, he owes you. Perhaps a trip to the spa could be his payback?

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