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« Organizing | Main | Moments in Motherhood »

July 29, 2008


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But wait! Any day now they'll be standing on each others' shoulders, climbing the curtains, AND juggling fire!

Just you wait...


(PS - my email to you keep getting bounced.)

Michelle Z

Oh please, when you stack them on top of each other - or they learn to do that themselves - Please take a picture! haha

Thanks for the giggle :)


Did you see my post with photos of my babies on top of the changing table? Granted it did take them 20 months to attempt this but that is mainly because I always kept lots of stuff stacked on top of it. And, by the way, you will find diapers and towels in places you never thought possible. Fun stuff, huh?


hahaha! the thought of your babies stacked one on top of the other is too funny of an image!


I have bins of stuff under my change table as well and my son barely ever tries to grab them, let alone throw clothes all over the floor.


And here I was thinking, "Wow! Pretty bins! Organized! Yay!"


The image of Sam standing on his brother and sister cracks me up...I think once they each get walking down that this will be their next trick...right before crib scaling of course :)


Love your organisation. It really does save time, I've noticed, to my dismay, because people have been telling me that all along and it's painful to have to finally admit they were right. I had so hoped they were wrong.


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