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June 04, 2008


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You are looking great! And it is no wonder you've continued to lose weight. It's awfully hard to eat when you're so busy taking care of everybody else! Well and breastfeeding 3 babies.


Can I just borrow your triplets :) Holy cow could I stand to loose 30 lbs! You look FABULOUS! Seriously fabulous! I am jealous...cute kids, all four of em' and now 30 lbs of weight loss. Totally jealous :)Glad they slept throught the night. I am sure that made a HUGE difference in perception today. Excessive swearing...hey we all need to pretend we are sailors once in a while.You go girl!


You look great and YAY for sleeping!


yay for the good days. while i'm sure you dont recommend the "triplet diet" it sounds good to me - you look amazing. keep being the great mommy that you are.:^)


I'm so glad today is off to a much better start. And holy weight loss, batman! You look fantastic. Way to go not losing your rings. 1.5 ring sizes smaller... wow!


You are beautiful!


Holy moly - you look FANTASTIC!! Glad you enjoyed the sleep. You deserve it!


You are doing great! You are going to finish the week; the week is NOT going to finish you.

In Search of Morning Sickness

While I read the last two posts, I didn't make time to respond. So I'll just say now: You are such a terrific person, and manage your family ans your time so well, it is absolutely NORMAL to have a physically/emotionally overwhelming day like this. I think it's the 1st time since your pregnancy w/the triplets I've heard you blog like this (and even then, I don't remember more than 1 entry or so like that). Anonymous is a rude prick that needs to stop reading this blog. Because you are doing AMAZING. Even mothers of ONE child struggle with trying to manage their family's lives, you have FOUR children. I just hope there are enough of us out here telling you the truth so you'll realize what a bunch of crap and venom that person was spewing out. And as to this entry... Oh my gosh, you look AMAZING and beautiful! There is such a avisible difference it's terrific. And I don't know if it's the added self-confidence, or what, but even your hair is all shiny and prefectly styled with that cute cut in the 2nd picture. Way to go, Mommaof4!The kosher kitchen thing, I'm sorry it's not easier on you to get stuff available. I kept kosher for 6 months just on a whim and um, so I know what you are talking about. You know what too? Blogging is therapeutic. It keeps me and many others from feeling alientaed, isolated, alone, and pent up with anger. So it HELPS you and your family if you look at it that way, even if it takes a few extra mintutes every few days. I loved how Suz over at Steeces Pieces talked about needing that for her sanity, even though her days are super-crazy-busy.


oh my lordy lord, have not dropped by for an update for a while and boy was there some reading!!! who cares what others think really, you know you, your husband and 4 little kids are doing ok, he/she is a stinker that maybe could just do with getting back to work rather than snooping around someones life (I can say this because I am officially calling my self the blog snooper from Aus) I love catching up with your kids, trial and tribulations. It helps put life back into perspective when you are feeling a little down, others sometimes have it harder/ easier, than you either way it is just different! you look great, so congratulations on that too.. I am avoiding my life today as I have had some pretty devestating news about my youngest child and just want to say thanks for giving me a little perspective yet again. I know I can and will get through this and my baby will be ok despite the results and life will gone on as all our lives will go on no matter what is thrown at us. bloody hell enjoy the cleaner your working for gods sake, I am sitting here freezing, waiting for a fairy to come and sort out my mess of a life! sorry for blabbing on probably need to start my own blog, maybe your onto a really great thing;)Leonieoh my best friend is having her 1st scan today after 7 years of infertility 5 IVF attempts so finges crossed the pacific please. That is how I found you I searched for blogs so I could better understand and support my girlfiend and husband (now there are 2 of my girlfriends struggling) and I am the guilty baby maker....


Wow! Two wonderful things - the weight loss and the sleeping babies! Woo-hoo! NCLM


That triplet diet works! I'm sure you earned every lossed pound. :-) I am in awe of how much you get done in a 24 hour period. Visiting from NCLM


I've been reading & reading & not had a moment to comment (I often read while doing other things, like making dinner or something, and no, I'm not crazy enough to think you're sitting at home thinking, Hey, why doesn't that Michelle I don't even know comment anymore?) But still.I heart you & your blog. I love that you're honest - life is sometimes messy! I have no doubt you're a wonderful mother to all 4 of your children. You do what you've gotta do - and we'll all be behind you with support. That's what the Internet is for, right? Saves me a fortune in therapy.PS you look AMAZING!

Sarah Beth

I am a lurker, but I really enjoy your blog. I just wanted to say though that you look great!!

Dreams Come True

Congratulations on the weight loss! It's awesome to need to have your wedding bands resized to fit smaller fingers! You look fantastic!Congrats on the babies sleeping through the night, too! I hope they start that every night now!


Visiting from NCLM and much as I envy your terrific weight loss, I don't think I'll be trying the triplet diet anytime soon. :)Glad you're feeling like it's a better day.


That anonymous poster is an asshat. I'm sorry, everyone has bad days and if this is the way you vent, so be it.I agree with everyone - you look great (and very happy, too)! Having triplets is hard, I know that. I can't imagine the increased challenges brought on with a 4th child in the mix coupled with keeping kosher. Hats off to you!


First of all, you look beautiful! Secondly, I just caught up on the sh*tstorm that took place over the last two posts! Ugh ... If you can't vent and complain and bitch on your blog, where can you do it?I'm glad you are leaving on anon comments and not going private. There are always going to be mean and stupid people. I must admit, I like the bloggers that yell at them and answer back, versus deleting the comments and ignoring them! But hey, I love a good fight!You are doing a great job, and you are an amazing mom ... My cousin has trips, so I know how much work it is ... three times the work, but a million times the reward.


So glad you had a better day. You look wonderful!


yay for sleeping through the night. I must say, I love the names you've chosen for the triplets (I didn't catch the name of your other child), Abby is one of my favourite names ever. :)And your weight loss is fabulous, you look great!(here from NCLM)


you look freaking amazing! alas, i still have 20 lbs to lose of baby weight on top of the 40 lbs i needed to lose before. sigh. i was hoping the triplet pg would be my ticket to weight loss, but no. ha ha! i just wish my wedding rings would fit again.

lucky #2

You look fabulous & sleeping through the night is amazing!!!


You look fabulous!


You look awesome and hip, hip, hooray on sleeping through the night!!Nancy, IA

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