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May 19, 2008


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Wow. That's awful. She must be a strong woman. Anyone who has had babies in the NICU can understand how scary it is every single day. I'll keep her and Baby B in my prayers.Christiemcgoverntrio.blogspot.com

the schirano triplets

i hope that baby b is better and in her mama's arms soon. i will be praying for both of them.


Loads of prayers heading her way. I can't imagine...


This story sure touched my heart. Your friend is in my prayers.

The Dunn Family

I am sending positive vibes and thoughts for both your friend and her baby.

My Reality

I hope little B recovers quickly and she can be back in her mother's arms soon.

Cindy amp; Brian

I am (tearfully) praying! That makes me so grateful and humble. I need to go hug my babies.You are an amazing supportive friend Karen.


sending prayers her way!


I will be praying for B and her mommy. What a difficult journey...my thoughts are with them.


I will be thinking of your friend and hoping the best for her precious baby. I can't imagine the daily heartache she must be going through.

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