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April 30, 2008


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I will be thinking of you on Sunday!! Have a wonderful walk!!


Have a great walk, Karen. The MoD is amazing.


Thanks for the reminder. I have been meaning to make a donation


I will definitely be thinking of you and the March of Dimes on Sunday. I wish the walk was on a Saturday though, Sunday is our church day and there's no way I can participate. Luckily Aiden was full term (and then some!) but this organization most definitely deserves all the support it can get.


you're not fat.


Yay for your walk. Ours was great, but I was surprised at how LOOOONG five miles really was. We were all pretty exhausted by the end, but it was totally worth it. You're gonna do great.

Lea Bee

will be thinking of you this sunday, pushing that heavy stroller 5 miles!!!

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