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« We've hit a new record...(updated twice in middle) | Main | Home Again »

August 20, 2007


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Jennifer from Arkansas

Thank you SO much for the update!! I've checked in a million times.... Hope yall are home soon and that things calm down for a while.


Thanks for the update!! I was starting to get worried. I'm glad everyone is doing well!


Oh goodness! Thanks for the update!


Ah!!!!!!!!!! K, please update us when you can!


Thanks so much for the update! Sending good thoughts your, Karen's and the kidlets' way.


S- thanks for the update. Let me know if there is anything I can do

Rachel Inbar

Wow. I hope things go back to being calm for many more weeks. Take care of yourselves!


Thanks spouse for updating! Sending lots of hugs!


oh my goodness! thanks for the update. i hope she is home soon!

ms. c

I hope all is well. I will checking back for updates. Thinking of you, Karen.


Thank you for the update! Karen - be well hon - we're rooting for you and the kidlets :)


Thank you so much for updating us! I am so glad that everyone's safe and healthy, and that the kidlets are still cooking!


Hope you're able to come back home soon!

My Reality

Fingers crossed! Karen, I hope we will hear from you soon. If not will S give us another update?

Lea Bee

thinking of you! thanks for the update.

The Town Criers

Hope everything is okay and those babies are in there good and tight. Don't they know they're not allowed out yet?

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