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January 18, 2007


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You are so not a nutjob.

Your impressions and feelings and the ways in which you express them seem very reasonable and even. I've been impressed with both your posts and your responses to comments. I've noticed your comments on the postings of others recently as well and have been struck by how sensible and just right they tend to be.


I am lazy about anonymity, too. I agree with a lot of what you said. I do wish infertility and the whole TTC process was something you could actually freely discuss in public. When we keep everything hidden it is like we have somehow done something wrong, like we are criminals or hiding a dirty habit.


I agree too...IF shouldn't be something we have to hide, and yet it touches on so many very personal issues (marriage, sex, medical treatments, etc.) that it's hard sometimes to be open.

That's why I've gotten so much out of writing a blog, because I'm far more open than I am in 'real' life.

I wouldn't freak out if someone I knew discovered my site. Unless it was my mother because she would seriously want to KILL me. But she can't use a computer so I think I'm safe.

So keep writing, and we'll keep reading :-)

Baby Blues

I guess infertility is not openly discussed because it still carries with it a social stigma. I personally don't want to share my heartaches with people I don't trust and have them feel sorry for me because of the wrong reasons.

But I just love this IF blog community that we have, anonimous or not. It's a place I can be open and freely talk about my struggles.

Stumbled here through CycleSista. Waiting the 2ww with you!

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