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December 08, 2006


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That sounds like a fabulous appointment and a great plan to help compromise between IUI and IVF. I hope that it all works out for the best!

ms. c

You sire CAN do this! Your appointment sounds really productive, and Dr. Amazing seems to have struck a good balance of trying what he knows what might work, and moving on efficiently if it doesn't.
(About the long injection cycle... I wish I had found you blog 2 weeks ago when I passed CD 14 and I found myself thinking: should't my follies be bigger by now? Thanks for writing, I know I'm not alone...)
Good luck, and keep us posted!

My Reality

Yes, you can do this. How fantastic that YAD listened to all of your concerns. I will hope that the IUI does the trick for you and you don't need IVF. Good luck with this cycle!


Thank heavens for doctors who listen. Makes it all worthwhile.


I'm glad you found a doctor you feel comfortable with -- he sounds wonderful. I feel like I've learned something about my own cycles after reading this (could never get a clear answer about the metformin thing). Anyway, lots of luck as always. I'm glad you get to start sooner rather than later.

Malky B.

I am curious to know how your doctor monitored you to know that you weren't ready for IUI until day 33? Did you have any foliclies visable on day 14? My doctor just does one sono at about day 14 and if there's no folicle by then she considers that a failed cylcle and I have no more monitoring for that month and move on to stronger drugs. I want to know how your doctor works - the same way or does he/she do later sonograms to see what's really happening.

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