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« Migraine Control | Main | Could it Be? »

November 05, 2006


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I only get one or two migraines a month, and I can't even fathom the kind of pain you're in. It's affecting your whole life.

If it were me, I think I'd go for it now. Pregnancy can cause more or less migraines (I was blessed and didn't have even one while pregnant, when I couldn't take my medicine (a triptan)) and if this could help, I think it's worth it. I had no idea yours were so bad and I hope that you're able to participate in the study.

My Reality

Wow. This is going to be a really tough decision.

I am torn in what to even say. If you are hoping that the decision is made for you by not qualifying because of too many migraines, then maybe the flip side is if you do qualify, then the decision has also been made for you.

This is really going to be a tough one, Karen. I wish you much luck.


That's an incredibly difficult decision to make. I can't even imagine. I hope that you can find a place that you feel comfortable about whatever decision you make. Lots of luck.

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