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October 31, 2006


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My Reality

Good luck with this. It is all so frustrating. I will just hope that the 1st IUI works for you.


Thanks, MR... every once in a while I think, "You know, the first one could work and the rest could be a moot point..." and then I start laughing. Because, really, when have I EVER been on the good side of fertility odds?

Still, I have a teeney little bit of hope. :)

Emmie (Better Make It A Double)

I'm so sorry for your loss, and that you have to go through all this. I remember how hard it was.


We go to the same clinic and I had to follow the same protocol so I know exactly how agonizing it is -- after my second IUI, I was like sign me up for IVF because I need better odds!

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