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October 25, 2006


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I'm sorry about the squirrel. That's the kind of thing that completely sets me off too.

It's strange that I can watch a movie where someone is murdered and is very graphic about it and I'm fine, but if I see an animal even get a splinter, I'm a sobbing mess.


I would feel bad about the squirrel, too, but not too bad... they really need to commit before running across the road. It's when they change their minds half-way through that there's trouble.

I just read about your needing the pap smear and the infectious disease stuff and it's all so frustrating...

Pap smears: As often as doctors are in my cooch, I should get this done for free. Or I should be exempt from another invasive exam.

Infectious disease: Who else needs to do this before trying to conceive? None of my fertile girlfriends had to prove they were STD free before their husbands knocked them up. It's just one more thing to make us feel like IF is maybe somehow our fault.

Sorry you are in irritated perky-land, I feel like I've set up permanent residence there.


Kris, I agree about the pap smears... I just feel like they're poking around in there so much, they could just DO a pap smear. What irritates me the most is that the RE's office will not do the pap smear, I must go to my OB/GYN in order to get it done. This isn't so horrifying or anything (I like my OB/GYN a lot), but it's inconvenient, and it's not like the RE's office isn't QUALIFIED to do this for me.

Re: Infectious disease testing... I'm not offended at having to do it the first time. Initial testing could theoretically reveal a reason for infertility that isn't otherwise obvious. But doing it every year (while I understand the reasoning) is, as you said, bothersome because it's yet another way we are set apart from the world of the fertiles... who ELSE has to prove they are disease free annually just to fulfill the goal of getting pregnant? (my husband has to prove this regularly b/c he works in a hospital, but that's different)

My Reality

It sounds like you had one heck of a Wednesday. I really hope the rest of the week went by with ease. My RE will do my pap smears, yours should too!

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